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The 22nd Special Air Service regiment (22 SAS) comprises of 4 active 'sabre' squadrons : A, B, D, & G, each made up of around 60 men. Each Squadron is made up of 4 troops with each troop specialising in certain areas of expertise.

Over the years, the Special Air Service has shared their expertise with friendly nations, training their own special forces and bodyguards in the dark arts. Known as 'team jobs' within the S.A.S., the UK government gets both political and financial benefits from such arrangements due in part to the reputation of the regiment.

Our mission is to recruit, train, sustain, and deploy scalable, expeditionary forces worldwide to accomplish special operations missions assigned by U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). To accomplish that, we equip and train Marines to succeed in austere conditions against a wide range of adversaries. Marine Raiders execute complex, distributed operations in uncertain environments, achieving silent success and strategic impact.

The armed forces records include the registrations of British armed forces (including serving members who were not British nationals) posted overseas. This index also includes some regimental registers and chaplains' returns for army births which took place in the British Isles, for example, at barracks and garrisons.

As a specialised and adaptable light infantry and commando force, Royal Marine Commandos are trained for rapid deployment worldwide and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. The Corps of Royal Marines is organised into 3 Commando Brigade and a number of separate units, including 47 Commando (Raiding Group) Royal Marines, and a company-strength commitment to the Special Forces Support Group. The Corps operates in all environments and climates, though particular expertise and training is spent on raiding, amphibious warfare, arctic warfare, mountain warfare, expeditionary warfare, and its commitment to the UK's rapid reaction forces.

[1] The most comprehensive effort to explore the precise ramifications of British involvement is that of freelance journalist Gerald Prenderghast, Britain and the Wars in Vietnam: The Supply of Troops, Arms and Intelligence, 1945-1975 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015). See also -any-british-forces-serve-in-vietnam. 59ce067264


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